Täna oli lõunaks ungari gulyás ning kuna manager ikka veel tundis end süüdlasena, käis ta mulle peale, et ma vähemalt prooviksin. Proovisin, ei avaldanud muljet.
Õhtul ungari pererestoranis aga mõtlesin, et ok, ma proovin veel ja oo

Proovisime ka ungari päritolu veini, mis pidi olema masculine and strong. Veiniga kaasasolev tutvustus ütles, et kui paar abiellub ning kiirelt soovitakse lapsi saada, siis tuleb seda veini juua vahetult enne pulmaööd :D. Tulemus garanteeritud.
Päev aga möödus õppides, kuidas oma kalleid kolleege paremini tunda ja nonde kultuurilisi erinevusi märgata-teada. Päris huvitav ja põnev oli, eriti see osa, kus ma pidin võtma kõne hindule ja leppima kokku ärikohtumise. Otseselt polnud midagi hullu selles ülesandes aga kui sind kuulab pealt 10pealine seltskond ja sa ei tea täpselt, kes ja mis on teiselpool toru, on minu jaoks seda tüüpi challenge liiga karm. Hindu feedback oli hea - just a typical european business call :D. Aga hindu oli kena, andis soovitusi, kuidas kontakte luua, mida silmas pidada. Rohkem inimlikkust, vähem formaalsust, emotsionaalset puudet.
It´s awful actually how much people can eat while they are travelling. I feel like my stomac will be broken soon!
We had a very nice dinner with our clusters´ at hungarian local restaurant and I had finally change to taste real hungarian gulyás. It was served in small hot cattle with some spicy mix you could add into your soup as much as you like. It tasted really good! I gave my feedback my manager and she said it to the waitress. Suddenly it happend that the owner of the place came to thank me for the positive feedback! It was really nice and touching actually.
Here is a picture of my soup and the local wine we tested today. There was a funny story about the wine as well. Usually you have to drink it before the wedding night if you want to have a kids ealiest possible. So if you dring the wine, the result will be guarranteed.
But our day was interesting. We had our training today on intercultural studies. Like how to know each other better (we are all from different countries and work as virtual team), to know the cultural background, habits, traditions, to do-s and to not-s etc. We even had to make calls to India which is actally not a big deal in my everyday life as I work close to India but it was challenging as there was 10 people watching and listening every your word. I´m not strong when it´s about public speaking. But somehow I managed and the feedback was: "you know, it was just a typical european business call." Actually it wasn´t a compliment at all:). But at least we got several useful hints from him, so, it wasn´t that bad.
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