pühapäev, 10. juuli 2011


Üle pika aja mõtlesin jälle pista sõrmed ja käed vahetusprojektidesse. Seekord on mul aga hoopis midagi teistsugust ja lihtsat silmapiiril. Nimelt juba aastaid olen ma olnud sellise keskkonna nagu SwapBot liige ja algusaegadel hoolega pakitanud ka. Nüüd on olnud pikem paus ja mingist meeltesegadushoost (ilmselt) ajendatuna regasin end paari vahetusse - postkaardivahetus teemal "mida tead minu kodumaast?" ja shokolaadiswap. Sellised lihtsad ja põnevad! Kes meist ei tahaks shokolaadi?

Kahjuks ei tehta kuskil selliseid vahetusi, kus oleks võimalik täiendada oma shotika kollektsiooni. Kollektsioon on siin suursuguselt öeldud, tegelikult on see ikka selline pisike kogu aga selle eest väga armas. Olen saanud pisikesi kingitusi Ravelry kaudu Soomest, samas on ka kohalik käsitööliste kogukond minu veidrast hobist teadlik ja saadav vahel imelisi rinnanõelu, postkaarde jms kogule täienduseks. See on väga armas! 

Several years ago I joined with SwapBot, a free tool helping bloggers to organize and manage swaps. I was quite active then but after one bad experience (swap partner never sent a parcel to me) I didn´t  want to join any swaps there.  

Some days ago I went there to see if they have some interesting swaps going on and noticed that they have changed a system, there are some new features and I decided to try again. So I´m in 2 swaps now, one is about postcards on topic "what do you know about my country?" and another one is about chocolate, yummy! 
First one is interesting, you need to buy a postcard, stamp it and write some words about the country where your swap partner lives. No sources are allowed, just first thoughts which came to your mind. Second one is about sending local chocolate to your swap partner and some tiny items from your country. Easy!

I didn´t find any swaps on Scottie items. As some of you may know, I´m collecting different kind of items about scottish terriers. I have got lovely small items from Ravely as a gift, also there are some people in local knitting community who know my "wierd" hobby as well and have sent me postcards, items, pins etc. Its really nice of them :)

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