Lund tuiskab eile õhtust saadik. Meil on täna isegi lund roogitud ja hommikul ärkasin saha hääle peale. maanteel oli omapärane, 4 autot kraavis ja libe. Tagasiteel oli lihtsam, roopad sees ja maantee paljas, kuid siiski libe.
Sajab endiselt ja jätkuvalt, laia valget lund.
Shotikad olid hommikul nagu lumehullude klubi moodustanud. Pool tundi mässasid hangedes, mis neile kohati ninani. Ei mingit virinat, et uni või pime. Isegi preili Suskin oli täitsa kobe, erinevalt õhtust, mil ta nõustus minema vaid naabermajani ja tagasi :D.
It has been snowing since yesterday evening, land is white and the morning it was rather stormy. Roads are not that clean as I´d wished. Driving was challenging but still possible. Allthough it means bills for heating and more time for cleaning (car, dogs, flat), I like it much. Winter without snow is definitely not a normal winter! Don´t feel yet THAT christmas feeling but snow makes me feel better than this muddy ugly endless autumn we had.
Doggies are happy as well. I can´t recall from this week such a long walk we had today morning. They were jumping over the snow piles and were up to their ears in snow! But happy and enjoying this all.
Winter is here :)
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