neljapäev, 7. veebruar 2008

Still no word about handwork

I had my English lessons today and it was great. I love the course, it´s easy to follow and I like the method my teacher uses much. We do usually some grammar at the beginning and then practise it in pairs or groups. The excesises are more fun than serious ones. Some series of pics, sort of "use your imagination" etc. Today we practiced the words like should, must, ought, can. We all know these, right? But if you need to put some into the sentenses, oh my, it may be a real headache :P. Alister had prepared a good excesise for us - to create your ideal country. We discussed about law, people, language, army, holidays etc. It was just perfect to use the words should, have, might, may, must etc. Alister likes to sit next the groups and correct the mistakes we do and help if needed. Our group is not small but he has time to pay an attention to everyone there.
Our group is multinational, we have one man from Spain, some russians and estonians, of course. Spanish guy complained today that estonians have awful accent :D. I recommended him to look for some indian friends to compare with :P.
I always leave the class with good feelings. Is it a good sign? I hope so.

2 kommentaari:

  1. Kui ma eelmisel suvel prantslastele ütlesin, et mul on pisut raske nende inglise keelest aru saada, tõdesid nad rõõmsalt - sa pole ilmselt hispaanlastega suhelnud. :D

  2. Jah, see kild oli meil ka, et no tegelikult on prantslastel hullem:).
