Esiteks, Aade Lõngal on kodukas:). Vbla kõik teavad juba ja mina viimane.
Teiseks, nõme päev oli. Läksime seenele aga mul polnud tuju ega head olemist. Seeni kah leidsin näpuotsaga, rohkem tädi lõbustamise väljasõit oli, prr.
Natuke kudusin seda ja teist aga enamiku päevast võib maha kustutada.
Aade lõng has a homepage! Maybe I am the last person how discovered it but yes, I did it today.
Btw, I had a bad day. We went to the forest with my aunt but I wasn´t in mood and I didn´t feel myself ok. I found some mushrooms but I didn´t enjoy it... not at all. It was more fun for my aunt.
Maybe just tired, I don´t know, still the pain inside.
I knit some rows but with no joy. Useless me... I want some rest.
thanks! Not so long time ago, I did not find homepages, so now I haven't even try to find ;) And I know it is a small place, and little shops are ok of course. My husband finds interesting products in them also (usually). (with foodmarket i really mean a little one ;)