teisipäev, 27. juuni 2006

Ilmselt tuleb nüüd kas troopiline leitsak või sügistorm (varane) aga ma ostsin omale täna kleidi :D. Kes mind teavad, ilmselt peavad mälu pingutama, et meenutada mind ja kleiti ühel ajal. No vahel juhtub neh aga enamasti on nood olnud mingid sirged maani second hand tüüpi suvekad. Aga seekord :) ... on midagi hoopis teistsugust!
Ma saan aru küll, et korralikud inimesed õmblevad ise omale riided, sh kleidid. Aga mina ei viitsi. Mul pole isegi kudumistuju praegu, kuigi päris mõnus ese on pooleli ja teha pole enam palju jäänud. Olen keskendunud tööle ja mõtisklen natukene shotikate suvelaagri peale. Lubasin seal viltimisest rääkida ning natsa ka juhendada. Näis, mis välja tuleb ja kas mul häid ideid kuu lõpuks tekib. Hulgaliselt landseerikasukat ning värvilist villaheiet on mul juba kogutud ja mõned katsetused ka tehtud ;).


This strange period in my life still continues. I don`t want to knit! It is too warm and I`m too lazy or just busy because of my work. I`m collecting the dog wool for our summer camp in July. I promiced to organize the felting courses for the participans:). But actually I don`t have yet any ideas what exactly we may do there. I tried something and have some plans but I`m not keen on them. But I have 3 more weeks to think... I got yesterday lot of landseer`s wool :), it is good for felting. I want to mix it with scotties` dog wool and traditional lamb wool. Lot of thoughts but too lazy to practice. That`s me :).

Btw, I got a brand new summer dress today! I`m not sure yet will I wear it but yes, I bought it for me and it seemed quite nice in the shop :). As lost ~10 kg during 6 months and gave all my old clothes away I`m in trouble now - poor girl has nothing to wear :P. I know that normal people do all clothes by themselves but I don`t like to sew much. I prefer knitting but as I said already... don`t like to knit either... I save my energy for the winter :)

I haven`t heard anything about my SP in USA. I sent her a postcard and small package but no feedback yet. I have to send latest big package more, I think I will do it next week. Some shopping and free time needed before... when?
Oh, I have to go to bed now, I`m too sleepy... bye!

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