Kutsusin ta siis liikuma ja võtsin rihma ka, seltsimees kõndis kiirel sammul mõned meetrid eemale ja hakkas hädale. Selgus tõsiasi, et kui ikka ligi 11aastat on hädale mindud alati rihmas, siis ärge mitte lootkegi, et tema kõrgeausus nüüd üksi käima hakkab :D
Scotties have more freedom now at countryside as our country doggie past some weeks ago and I can leave them unleashed. Usually I feel more comfortable with Blacky as I know that she rather sits next to people and watches what the one is doing. Suska is more wild who could catch-run-hunt everything around, so I don´t trust her much and keep her always leashed.
I left Blacky unleashed and cleaned carrots. Suddenly she started to ask something by making some noise. I thought maybe she got bored or wants some attention and asked her shut up. She kept trying to "speak"... till barking which as actually annoying already! So I asked her for a short walk and took her leash with me. What came out? She wanted to go for toilet! :D
If you keep you dog leashed every time she goes for toilet, don´t even try to force her to do the same unleashed :D
VastaKustutajust! kas sa mõtlesid oma kohustustest kõrvale hiilida või?
Eks ma püüan end parandada :D