Igal õhtul kui ma töölt tulles koertega õue lähen, on mass allameetriseid kohal. "Kas ma võin jalutada?" "Kas ma tohin siit kinni hoida?" "ma tahan ISE jalutada, miks SINA hoiad?" jne. Täna oli neil lausa 4 ja üks, keda ma rohkem usaldan, sai omale Blacky, kes on enamasti rahulikum ja lastega OK.
Esiteks Blacky pani minema nagu põdrapull, laps lippamas sabas. Aga tibi polnud sugugi kehva tsikk, haaras jõuga rihmast ja kamandas mutikese korralikult kõndima. No põhjus oli tegelikult olemas, mutikesel oli häda nr 2. Teiseks siis ilmusid ülejäänud sõbrad, kes tahtsid KA kõik jalutada koera. Peaaegu draama ja riid oli. Ma siis ütlesin, et kes jalutada tahab, see peab koera kaka ka ära koristama. Mõjus. Läksid lipates aasale :D
Every evening I´m fighting with kids from neighborhood. The issue is that they all want to walk with my dogs, independently not with me of course. So I need to explain to them why it is not possible and what might happen etc. Usually I keep my dogs leashed and together there are around 24-25 kg in total. So you can only imagine the "walking" like this - small girl with such a pair of dogs!
Today there were 4 small kids, one was more reliable, so I let her to walk with Blacky. Usually Blacky is calm and ok with kids. It was mistake! Firstly, Blacky decided to behave like an old elk and run toward the playground. Then came 3 other kids and they start to argue on why they can´t walk, why they are not allowed keep the leash etc. So I finally said that the one who walks, needs also to clean after the dogs! It worked well :D
Töökasvatus ;) Lahe !
VastaKustutaKuule - sa pead endale rohkem koeri muretsema, et kõigile jalutamiseks jaguks!