laupäev, 21. august 2010


Sall edeneb tasapisi ja tunne on nagu oleksin ma seda kudunud aastaid, mis on muidugi puhas vale, sest Ravelrys on kirjas - alustatud 24. juunil 2010. Tegelikult arvestades, et ma koon enamasti laupäeviti maal olles või siis vahel ka pisut pühapäeval, on isegi hästi läinud.

Nädala sees ma ei viitsi kududa, siis ma parema meelega loen. Nt pakin end kahe koera vahele ja hoian samal ajal silma peal, et üks kaak teise kausis ei käi. Neil on nüüd eraldi söögid - B saab RC Weight Control´i ja Suusi ProPlani. Nii et kudumisaeg on üürike aga ega lugemisaeg ka selle võrra pikem pole :).

Ise tegin oma elu raskeks valides lõnga, milles kaks kahekordset peenvillast jooksevad koos. Kunagi ammu vanaema lahkelt mul neid niiviisi kokku keris, et oleks parem kududa paksemaid asju. Siis ma ei teadnud veel sallidest midagi ja nood ei ahvatlenud ka.

Nüüd jälle ei viitsinud lõnga lahku ajama ka hakata, mõtlesin, et tulebki vähe tihedam ja soojem sall. Aga vot eks sa koo neid nuppe läbi pahemalt poolt nüüd! Muidu poleks saanud arugi aga täna tegin ühe proovilapi ja no nii kerge tundus kududa :).

Lappi kudusin harjutamiseks ja varraste testimiseks. Homme ju sallipäev!
Kohtumiseni ja harjutamiseni :).

I´ve been knitting my UFO shawl for "years". Of course I´m joking as in Ravelry the begin date was set for 24 June 2010 and the truth is that I knit mostly on Saturdays at mom´s place and sometimes on Sundays as well. Within the week I´m too lazy or too tired to knit.

I rather prefer reading, specially if I have to stay next to my dogs while they are eating. I have to be sure that they are not stealing the food from each others bowls. Since July I give them different kind of foods, Blacky gets RC weight control and Suusi´s current one is Proplan Adult.
So the knitting time is limited but it doesn´t mean that I´ve got plenty of time for reading :). Just need to find some balance btw home-work-knitting-reading-dogs.

What is also difficult is that I choose the orge yarn which was rewinded by my grandma so that there is 2x2ply yarns together in one skein. We used the yarn for sweaters, cardicans and only one 2ply would have been too thin for me to knit then, so my grandma helped me to wind those. I didn´t know anything about lace knitting then as it happend more than 10y ago.

When I started with my shawl I was too lazy to wind those back to 2 ply which means that the rows where I need to purl nups are not my favourite ones. It takes time and I have to be careful not to miss any stitches.

I was so used already that silly yarn, so it was nice surprise to realize that purling nups can be so easy :D. I discovered that when I purled those nups in my HS example called Õnnelehekiri (from HS book) I made today. I´m practising for HS contest which will be held tomorrow in Haapsalu. Wanted to remember some technics and symbols from the book. Not sure yet if I´m ready but yes, I´ll be there!

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