pühapäev, 9. november 2008


Lisasin oma virtuaalsesse raamatukogusse raamatuid juurde, pildistasin kaanepilte ja korrastasin ühtlasi oma raamatunurga ka ära. Minu käsitööraamatukogu :)

Puuduvad ajakirjad, mapid jms, mida on aja jooksul kogunenud ka üksjagu. Ravelry´sse peaks saama põhimõttelislt seda kogu ka tõmmata aga sinna olen ma ikkagi lisanud raamatuid ja ajakirju tükikaupa, kuna see kanal mu meelest nagu ei toimiks. Ja Ravelry´s pole kõike ka, ainult need, millel projekt juba küljes ja mida on palutud adminidel lisada.
Nii et olgu nad siis seal ka!

I updated today my LibraryThing account with new or old books. I also took some pictures of coversheets and uploaded those there. Of course it is not all I have, there are missing magazines, booklets, etc. I think most of my magazines have been uploaded to Ravelry´ account already, so there is no need to do it again for LT.

LT is good tool for estonian books and their covers to show as I think not all of those are available in online bookstores. I haven´t bought all books published in Estonia, of course not! My favourite topic has been knitting technics (basic, advanced), historical books on knitting (mittens patterns for example), dyeing, felting, lace, socks, mittens.

We do have to lof translations and usually
I don´t buy these, with some exemptions only.

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