Your result for The House, MD Personality Test...
Dr. Robert Chase
Congratulations, you're Dr. Robert Chase! You're quite the complicated person. While you may seem like a perfectly normal extremely attractive person, there is far more to you than meets the eye. It's quite likely that you've had some unusual experiences in your life, whether it be something along the lines of a stint in seminary school or something along the lines of S&M parties. You are rather insecure, and will often do things you don't want to do to win the good favors of others. While you may seem nice enough, getting ahead and doing what's best for yourself is usually more important to you than much else in life.
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Ma ei vaata seda sarja, korra juhtusin nägema, kui ma traumapunktis oma järge ootasin. Aga hetkel see tüüp ei meenu... kas too oli see, kes tibiga semmis :P?
Mnjaa, pole kiita tulemus :D Ma sain palju parema :P
VastaKustuta(aga jah, see on see tüüp, kes tibiga semmis ja haledalt korvi sai :D)
Sa oled paljust ilma jäänud, kui ei vaata, see on mu lemmik :D
VastaKustutaEi saanud korvi, jäid kokku :P
jaah, mul on telekas tolmukoguja, ma tean :P
VastaKustuta:D mina ka Chase.. ja pole tal häda midagi ;)
VastaKustutap.s. seda sarja PEAB nägema ometi ju :P
Aga mina olen Allison, me vist sobime :P