Pildistasin, udune on, peale jäi kaevava looma tagumine pool.
Võtsin sussi patjade vahelt ära ja küsisin, mis see on? Võttis moepärast kondi hambusse ja kui ma selja keerasin, peitis ajakirjada kasti taha. Siis tuli kööki oma tavapärast õhtusööki sööma (hillsikrõbud ja natsa viinerit sekka). Peale "õhtusööki" läks otsis sussi üles ja asus närima. See jäeti magustoiduks, sest kellele meist ei meeldiks magustoit? ;)
I bought some chewing bones for my scotties today. Suska took the bone and run into my bed to chew it. Blacky was just happy in the beginning, run around the flat and played with the bone. Then she decided to hide the bone and found that the best place for it was the corner between the pillows. I made the picture where she is "digging" the right place for it.
But lucky me! I found it and gave to her again. She was really dissapointed and run to find another place. The place she chose was just behind the magazines´ box. It was an ideal place for her opinion:P. By then the dinner was served and she came with me to the kichen to have a dinner. After finishing "the dinner" (hills with sausages) , the bone was digged out again. A bone was like the dessert! We all like to have a dessert, arent we;)