neljapäev, 13. juuli 2006

I promiced to tell more about my wonderful parcel!
Here you are:

...of course I found there lot of yarn. I love these all much but my favourite no 1 is Colinette point 5`s : Monet and Kingfisher. Beautiful colour and 100% wool.

My SP sent me also some merino yarn, I love it too and it is green and it is Debbie Bliss!!! It is so-o-o-o soft and so-o-o-o beautiful colour.

Should I continue;), OK, I will :)
There were 2 interesting magazines - Knitters (July, 2006) and Knitting (Summer, 2006),

some candles, hand made soap and white chocolate (very delicious;)

... some dog related stuff :):):) :
Rachael Hale`s shopping list set with Ralf`s picture (fridge magnet)

and postcard with scottie :)

And the last thing I must show you is lovely, small gift made by my SP

Is it lovely, isn`t it?

Dear SP, You made my day:), Thank you!

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