kolmapäev, 4. mai 2011

Miks laulud peas kummitavad?

Kui ma olin täna terve päeva piinelnud sellise laulu küüsis nagu seda on Beatles´i Yellow Submarine, otsustasin, et ma enne ei jäta kui uurin välja, mida teadlased sellest kõrvalekaldest arvavad. No ja mis ma siis loen :

James Kellaris, a marketing professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Business Administration, has done research on earworms and brain itch, and he's found that as many as 99 percent of us have fallen prey to them at one time or another [source: BBC News]. Kellaris says women, musicians and people who are neurotic, tired or stressed are most prone to earworm attacks. With musicians, it makes sense because they're listening to music continuously, but Kellaris isn't sure why women are more susceptible to earworms [source: Prokhorov].
 Samas tundun ma olevat miskine vähemus, sest sama artikkel ütleb, et :

Contrary to popular belief, we don't just repeat the songs we hate. In one study done by researchers at Bucknell University, more than half of students who had songs stuck in their heads rated them as pleasant, and 30% were neutral. Only 15% of the songs were considered unpleasant.

Mulle nimelt jäävad kummitama eranditult rõvedad või äraleierdatud lood. Kui lugu isegi esimapilgul tundub ok, siis peale päevast ketramist ei saa seda enam mitte öelda. Nüüd me siis teame :D

1 kommentaar:

  1. Minul on täna Vene filmimuusika päev (ilmselt selle Mosfilmi youtube'i uudise tõttu).Alustasin briljantkäe jäneselooga, siis gardemariinide sarja lood ja nüüd mängib Bojarski valik...äkki see läheb ka mingi anomaalia alla;)

