pühapäev, 27. juuni 2010

Hansapäevad. 30th International Hanseatic Days in Pärnu

Ma olen vahel oma tegemistes juba nagu vanaema omal ajal. Prõmm! lööb pähe idee ja kui kambalise saan, on minek. Nii ka eile.

Hommikul tundus, et siin koduauulis on kuidagi pikalt juba oldud ja maale ka ei kippunud, seega tuli leida mingi äge idee. Lappasin netti ja blogisid ning sealt see tuli - Pärnu. Nüüd jäi üle leida vaid reisikaaslane ja esimene, kes pähe kargas, kohe ka liimile läks :).

Pärnus oli äge! Ma vist polegi varem hansapäevadel käinud ja kujutasin ette, et tegemist on pigem nn kitsalt keskaja teemale orienteeritud üritusega. Mida too osaliselt ju isegi oli aga ainult osaliselt.

Tegelikkuses oli see ikkagi laat, kus müüdi kõike :D. Sekka õpitoad ja palju muusikat-tantsu rahvuskaaslastelt ja naabrusest, antiiki, indiat ja saksa veine.

Meeleolukas, kirju melu. Rahvast palju, ilm imeline, uusi paiku ja inimesi samuti minu silmale palju. Ühesõnaga mulle meeldis :).

Kohalikku käsitööd toetasime ka. Mina ostsin Kihnu müüjalt pisikese nuku (mul on nüüd kodus oma Virve) ja Savitaks ostis setudelt laastukorvi.

Kihnuproua oli tore, näitas nukke ja üts, et üks siin kommenteeris, et näe, Virved ja see musta peaga siin on presidendiproua Ingrid.

Pildistasin, mis silma hakkas ja meelepärane oli. Nautigem!

As promised some more details about my short trip to Pärnu Hanseatic days. Sometimes I feel that I´m like a copy of my grandma who always had several spontaneous ideas. I hate planning actually, if I´ve got some idea, I need to put it into practice asap or forget it.

I woke up yestarday and realized that I´ve spent to many days at home and around here (due the midsummer holidays) and it´s time to do something else that sitting at home. I looked thr some of my fav blogs and found that there are 30th International Hanseatic Days in Pärnu. This was exactly what I wanted to see! So I called Monika and asked her to join.

We started around 13 with my car, weather was nice and sunny, traffic was as usual. Just some nervous drivers but we managed to reach Pärnu without any problems. What was challenging was finding a parking place there as the city was so crowded. Thanks Monika who knows well the city, we finally found a place near market which was quite close actually to the festival area, just some minutes to walk.

We jumped out of car and were ready to meet all those treasuries there! Tons of sellers from Estonia, some from Latvia, Lithuania and even from other old hanseatic countries like Germany, Poland (link to program). Workshops, music, folk dancers, old ships on the river, homemade food etc etc etc.

We met one seller from Kihnu island as well. She had several nice Kihnu dolls there and she told us that one of the visitors called those Virves.

There is one old lady in Kihnu who has wrote several songs and I think she is the most famous person from Kihnu here in Estonia. Her name is Virve Köster aka Kihnu Virve also called Järsumäe Virve. That´s why the visitor called the doll as Virves.

She is great lady! I think it was last year when she did parachute jumping :D. I´ll post some links here, one is about the most famous song written by her and another video is about this sensational jumping :D. It´s in estonian but you must see it :D. Btw, she is 82 years old!
Such a crazy people live here in Estonia.

I have my own "Virve" now at home as I bought a small doll from the seller :).

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