Uus Ulla on nii lahe! Palmikuid täis ja üldse on seekord nii palju mustreid. Täitsa armas kohe.
Seda tahaks kududa ja need on ilusad, rääkimata nendest sokkidest ja nondest sallidest!
Aga see keltikettidega kampsik on ikka kõige-kõige!
Naljanurk on lahe! Kuigi ma soome keelt oskan olematult halvasti, sain sellest nii palju aru, et itsitada :)
New Ulla is available! It´s full of beautiful patterns. I would like to knit this pattern and these are beautiful. I like also the socks there and shawls!
But my favourite is the Louhi
Also the joke about blogging is ok ;), allthough my finnish knowledge is almoust 0%, I could laugh at.
Hello! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I love this factory. We visited there on monday, and I bought....a lot of yarn ;) Unfortuntely orange-red-yellow was not available, but maybe I can make a new visit after 5-6 months...
VastaKustuta:))) wow, You managed! Its great!