pühapäev, 26. juuni 2011

Puhastasin telefoni. I did mobile clean up

... ja leidsin mõned kiirpildid hetkesituatsioonidest. Mulle meeldib vahel niiviisi veidrusi või olukordi fikseerida, keskendumata kvaliteedile ja kompositsioonile :).

... and I found some pictures of moments I´ve seen thr mobile camera. I like to shoot like this without paying much attention on quality or composition. Just to fix the moment.

Teel Kihnu, pisut enne Manilaiu sadamat. Auto aknast pildistatud.

On my way to Kihnu, some km before Munalaiu port. Taken from car window

Juhkentali tänava lõpus vahetult enne bussijaama on rida lagunevaid maju, mille fassaadi kallal on fantaasia tööle pandud. Üllatav paik, idee ja teostus :D. Pildistatud foori taga passides, seal on alati ummikud.

Some meters before the bus station in Tallinn there are several old ugly houses with no inhabitants.Someone with creative mind has made some nice drawings. I was waiting for green and noticed this.

Kui toit on hea ja isu suur, kugistab Suska oma söögi ära enne Blackyt ja siis pressib end tema külje alla. Otseselt nina kaussi ei pane aga ilmtingimata on vaja rammida end teise kõrvale ja siis kuklasse hingata. Üldiselt Blackyle eriti ei meeldi, kui keegi tal väga lähedal on, eriti söögi ajal. Ta pole kuri aga võib söömise sinnapaika jätta ja ära minna. Seda Suska just ootabki. Samas ta sindrinahk teab, et ta ei tohi teise kausist süüa võtta. Sellest ka see imeline korraliku paikoera pilk :D.

When the food is delicious and dog enough hungry, it happens sometimes that Suska finishes her food earlier than Blacky. Then moves closely to her and starts watching how one is eating. It annoys Blacky who is very keen on her privacy and space :P. She is not angry but can just stop eating and leave. This is exactly what is expected by younger doggy-lady. But the truth is that she knows well that she is not allowed to take any food out from Blacky´s bowl. Specially if I´m around and see this. That´s why she has this cute "I´m well-behaving dog" face there.

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