pühapäev, 23. august 2015

Õhtu on hommikust targem

Hommikul hakkasin uuele sallile pitsi külge õmblema.

Traditional Haapsalu shawl has edge that is knitted separately and sewn on. There is a pure math on how to calculate the stitches for the edge lace.

Plaan oli täna sall ära pesta ja raamile tõmmata. Peale kolmandat katset ja harutamist oli selge, et pits on siiski liiga lühike ja kuskile on sisse lipsanud saatuslik arvutusviga. Tuli kõik ära harutada.

I checked mine twice but was in hurry and that´s how it happened. The edge was TOO short.  The plan for today was to sew it and wash the shawl and then block. After the 3rd try I decided to frog it all

Norutasin pisut, jalutasin koera ära, tegin lõunat ja alustasin uuesti. Peale põhjalikke arvutusi ja kontrolle sain ka silmad üles loodud. Seekord siis ikkagi pits kahes osas.

Was totally pissed, walked with a dog, made some lunch and started over. Checked my calcs again for several time and found out where the mistake was. Cast on again, will  make it in 2 pieces for this time, as the tradition says.

Ma pole vist juba ammu nii palju harutanud kui seda salli. Ju too siis ei pidanud Haapsalu pitsipäevaks valmis saama, kuigi soov oli kindel ja aega kudumiseks kah. See sall on minuga käinud mitu korda Haapsalus, siis Soomes ja Lätis, korduvalt maal. Tasapisi kulgeb ja ehk kunagi ikka saab valmis! :)

I can´t remember when the last time I frogged my knitting for so many times. I think it has been ages as I usually hate it. I wanted to finish it by next Sunday when there will be Haapsalu lace day held. I had time for knitting but still, sadly I´m running out of time. This shawl has been with me in Haapsalu for several times, then in Finland and Latvia. Still not finished, maybe one day.. at least I hope :)

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