pühapäev, 20. juuli 2008

Ravelympics 2008!!!

Noh, kas osaleme? :)

Concept: You must cast on a project during the Opening Ceremonies of the Summer Olympics (Aug. 8)- and finish before the Olympic flame goes out (Aug. 24). That’s 17 days. Would you rather work on your burgeoning WIPs? Then join up for the WIPs Wrestling. All other events are for newly cast on projects!


1. The project must be a challenge for you to complete in 17 days.
2. There are no rules about what a challenge would be. Like the real Olympics, there are many areas to compete in. If you are a new knitter, then a garter stitch baby sweater might do…If you are experienced, well you must decide what a challenge will be for you.
3. While this is meant to be somewhat difficult (like the Olympics) it is not intended to ruin your life. Don’t set yourself up for failure. (Olympic athletes may cry, but they do not whine pitifully, sob and threaten members of their family with pointed sticks because they haven’t slept in five days. ) This is intended to (like the Olympics) require some measure of sacrifice, and be difficult, but it should be possible to attain.
4. No casting on before Opening Ceremonies commence in Beijing.
5. Finish before the flame goes out.
6. You may swatch before the games. (I consider this “training.”)

Exception to the “New Project” Rule: For those highly responsible knitters who wish to focus upon hibernating, sleeping projects from many moons ago, we have a special event: WIPs Wrestling. This event is the only one where working with previously cast on items is okay. Goal here is to produce as many FOs as possible from your languishing pile of WIPs who are so old as to be new again!

Start and End Times
Go here to calculate when official cast on begins in your timezone with our handy, dandy Time Zone Calculator

Opening Ceremonies are Aug 8 at 8pm Beijing time. Closing Ceremonies are Aug 24 and start at 8pm Beijing time. All Ravthletes have until the flame is extinguished to finish their projects.

Choose your start/finish times: If you cast on when games are broadcast in your timezone, you’ll finish when closing ceremonies broadcast in your area. If you cast on in conjunction with the start in Beijing, whatever time that is for your timezone, then you’ll finish when Closing Ceremonies end, Beijing time.

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