reede, 1. juuli 2011

Make a... not wish, a list!

Leidsin blogirullist sellise postituse, iseenesest tore lugemine. Eriti meeldis mulle, et ei taha dinnerit teha aga küpsetada meeldib ning sport on ületähtsustatud, telekas ka. Mul sama 100%.

Mida paneksid sellisesse listi sina? Vanus võib olla misiganes, nt 30 / 35 / 40 / ..... Huvitav oleks lugeda (kuigi mul on täna Potter plaanis).

Kanu kasvataks vist küll, see pole ju raske?

I found one post from my Google Reader on what should one work out by 40. Nice reading, specially I like the fact that she doesnt like cooking a dinner but likes baking, that sport is over rated and TV is not essential. Like my thoughts!

What kind of list would you prepare? Ignore the fact the the lady there turns 40. It can be whatever - 30/35/40/ .... Would be interesting to read (ignoring the fact that I planned to finish Potter today)

I would like to raise my own chickens. It is not difficult ( I hope).

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